PET-Xi are excited to announce the launch of our new engaging delivery model – PET-Xi Live to businesses. We have a REMOTE solution for businesses all across the country to train their staff whilst working from home or self-isolating. PET-Xi live is an online system, our qualified trainers interact with learners throughout the session as if they were in the same room.
Team Leading, Customer Service, Conflict Management, Managing Performance and Appraisals, Coaching and Training, Time and Self-Management and Mental Health
- Step 1 Now Who am I
- Step 2 Future Who can I become
- Step 3 Goal What do I want
- Step 4 How What do I need to do
- Step 5 Next How am I doing and where am I going to
The main objective of this interactive, remote masterclass is to give learners the tools to look after their own and others mental health, whilst working from home, self isolating or being home because out of work due to Coronavirus situation.
- 10.00am Welcome and check in.
- 10.15am Understand mental health and wellbeing.
- 11.00am Understand how mental ill health affects the experience of individuals.
- 11.30pm Understand ways to self-manage own wellbeing.
- 12.00pm Identify sources of guidance and support for mental health.
- 1.00pm Self motivation and time management.
- 1.30pm Understand ways to self-manage own mental health and self awareness.
- 2.00pm Outline strategies to manage own mental health.
- 2.30pm Resilience during difficult times – importance of fresh air, exercise and interacting with family and friends through other means than face to face.